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Neurofeedback Testimonials

Smiling Businessman

I was struggling at work, unable to stay focused, and forgetting tasks. I also began to feel very overwhelmed by things that used to not bother me.  After neurofeedback something shifted, the first thing I noticed is that my sleep dramatically improved.  Then I noticed I was getting my work done quickly, I wasn't putting things off for later, and I was just unbothered by the day-to-day crisis that had been throwing me into a tailspin.  Neurofeedback will remain a part of my wellness plan- I really was so shocked at the difference.



I feel like my brain fog has completely lifted. After just one session I could tell a significant difference in my ability to think clearly.  My brain felt quiet, calm, and relaxed, and after 10 sessions I was sleeping better than I have slept since I was a teenager.  Now I have more energy to play with my grandkids and enjoy life.


Family Soccer
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